Национальная галерея искусства, Вашингтон
Blair and Stallybrass, "Mediating Information", p. 144, упоминают как Филиппа II, так и Уильяма Брэдфорда; биография Филиппа II цит. по: Arndt Brendecke, "Knowledge, Oblivion, and Concealment in Early Modern Spain: The Ambiguous Agenda of the Archive of Simancas", in Corens, Peters and Walsham, Archives and Information, p. 134.
Pepys, Diary, 3 September 1661, vol. 2, p. 171.
Thomas Blount, Nomo-lexikon: a law dictionary, interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms, as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern lawes… ([1671], "In the Savoy" [London], Thomas Newcomb for John Martin and Henry Herringman, 1870), n. p.
Музей Бойманса – ван Бёнингена, Роттердам
Pepys, Diary, 12 March 1661/2, vol. 3, p. 44. Редакторы тома Лэтэм и Мэтьюз пишут о кратких изложениях, имеющихся на оборотной стороне документов.
Arnold Hunt, "The Early Modern Secretary and the Early Modern Archive", in Corens, Peters and Walsham, Archives and Information, p. 122.
Elizabeth Williamson, "Archival Practice and the Production of Political Knowledge in the Office of Sir Francis Walsingham", in Arndt Brendecke, ed., Praktiken der frühen Neuzeit: Akteure, Handlungen, Artefakte (Cologne, Böhlau, 2015), p. 481.
John Weddington, A Breffe Instruction, and Manner, Howe to Kepe, Marchantes Bokes, of Accomptes (Antwerp, 1567), цит. по: Angus Vine, "Commercial Commonplacing: Francis Bacon, the Waste-Book, and the Ledger", in Peter Beal and A.S.G. Edwards, eds., English Manuscript Studies, 1100–1700; vol. 16: Richard Beadle and Colin Burrow, eds., Manuscript Miscellanies, p.1450–1700 (London, British Library, 2011), p. 204–5.
John C. Rule and Ben S. Trotter, A World of Paper: Louis XIV, Colbert de Torcy, and the Rise of the Information State (Montreal and Kingston, McGill/ Queen"s University Press, 2014), p. 324.