Вместе с тем как мировые религии, так и вся мировая культура и философия вырабатывали на протяжении своего развития различные матрицы духовного формирования человека и человечества, основывающиеся на высших ценностях: истина, добро, любовь, красота, милосердие и др. В этом мировые религии и мировая философия и культура имеют много общего. Как показывает анализ, это именно тот путь, по которому должно следовать человечество, чтобы не только сохранить себя, но и развиваться дальше, совершенствуя и облагораживая мир. Важно не сбиться с истинного пути. А для этого необходимо понимать, что не может быть подлинной политики, экономики, социального, научно-технического прогресса, если они не основываются на высших ценностях, каковыми всегда были и будут истина, добро, красота, любовь, милосердие, выработанные мировыми религиями, мировой культурой и философией.
Таким образом, следует не отделять и противопоставлять мировые религии, философию и культуру, Логос и Слово Божие, а опираться на то, что для них является общим и что действительно помогало, помогает и будет помогать человеку и человечеству идти по праведному, истинному и единственно возможному пути развития и спасения.
The given book presents the philosophical analysis of the sources and the main content of the world religions — Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the most significant literary monuments of the world culture: the Аvesta, the Rigveda, the Upanishads, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, works of Ancient Greek philosophers (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle). It reveals the organic unity of the spiritual traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church with Christianity, this particularly concerns Patriarch Nikon, self-sacrifice of Russian elders (spiritual fathers — startsy) and their contribution to the spiritual revival and unification of the Russian people around the Russian Orthodox Church. These are Optina spiritual fathers: Macarius, Ambrose, Barsanuphius, and also the Optina monk K. N. Leontyev.
The source of the world religions and cultures is assumed to be the Sumerian civilization that developed the basic categories, concepts, principles which became the inherent fundamentals of the world religions and cultures.
The genesis of the world religions, philosophical doctrines and cultures has both their essential similarity and rather serious distinctions. The world religions formed the doctrines, proceeding from the search of God, and aspired to direct both an individual and the whole nations to the righteous way, whereas the world cultures and philosophical doctrines created images and types of an ideal person, a wise man, the Teacher whose example must be followed.
Religions considered the evolution of the mankind from its origin to the Judgment Day and, thereby, this period was historical, it intertwined in the historical way of the mankind. The religious tradition assumes that the infinity, immortality comes after the Last Judgment. The world cultures and philosophy followed another way. They believed that history also has the beginning, but has no end. Thus, various ideologies and world outlooks were formed which inspired an individual and the mankind to follow the supreme ideals and values. However, the world religions, on the one hand, and philosophy and culture, on the other hand, differed essentially in understanding and interpreting time and, hence, in understanding and interpreting the historical evolution.
If the world religions stated that both the man and his activities depended on and were determined by God, His Dispensation, the world culture and philosophy considered the man to be the basic history-maker. This divergence concealed great difficulties and dangers. From the viewpoint of the world religions there can be no policy, economy, history etc. as the result of only human efforts since all depends on God, His Will. In this sense the only policy, economy and history is true which carries out the Divine Plan. Meanwhile from the viewpoint of philosophy and culture all depends on the individual.
Throughout millenia these positions came closer together or diverged. Nowadays this process has become more complicated. Significant divergences in philosophic, cultural and religious understanding and interpretation of the world are supplemented with sharp divergences within both world religions and world culture and philosophy. We suppose this to be the very cause of world wars, confrontations and collisions of civilizations that have antagonistic nature.
At the same time both the world religions, the world culture and philosophy developed throughout the history various matrixes of the spiritual formation of the individual and the mankind which is based on the supreme values: truth, good, love, beauty, mercy, etc. Here the world religions and the world philosophy and culture have much in common. The analysis shows it is the way which the mankind should follow not only to preserve itself but also to develop further, improving and perfecting the world. It is important not to get off from this true way. And this assumes our understanding that there can be no true policy, economy, social, scientific and technical progress if they are not based on the supreme values developed by the world religions, world culture and philosophy such as truth, good, beauty, love, mercy.
Therefore, we should not separate and contrast the world religions, philosophy and culture, Logos and the Divine Word, but we should base on what unites them and what really helped, helps and will help the man and the mankind to follow the righteous, true and the only way of progress and salvation.
См. С. Крамер. Шумеры. Первая цивилизация на Земле. М., 2002.
А. Г. Кифишин. Древнее святилище Каменная Могила. Опыт дешифровки протошумерского архива XII–III тысячелетий до н. э. Т. 1. Киев, 2001. С. 14.
См. С. Крамер. Шумеры. Первая цивилизация на Земле. М., 2002. Гл. 4.
А. Г. Кифишин. Древнее святилище Каменная Могила. Опыт дешифровки протошумерского архива XII–III тысячелетий до н. э. Т. 1. Киев, 2001. С. 31.