Claudio Aporta (2003). Inuit orienting: traveling along familiar horizons // глава 5 его диссертации: Old routes, new trails: contemporary Inuit travel and orienting in Igloolik, Nunavut // University of Alberta, 2003.
Kirill V. Istomin (2013). From invisible float to the eye for a snowstorm: the introduction of GPS by Nenets reindeer herders of western Siberia and its impact on their spatial cognition and navigation methods // Judith Miggelbrink et al., eds. Nomadic and Indigenous Spaces: Productions and Cognitions. Routledge, 2013. Ch. 10.
Kirill V. Istomin (2013).
Примеры: R. R. Baker (1980). Goal orientation by blindfolded humans after long-distance displacement: possible involvement of a magnetic sense // Science. 210 (4469). Р. 555–557; Eric Hand. Polar explorer (23 June 2016), Science 352 (6293). Р. 1508–1513; Connie X. Wang et al. (2019). Transduction of the geomagnetic field as evidenced from alpha-band activity in the human brain // eNeuro (E-publication). DOI 10.1523/eneuro.0483–18.2019
Lera Boroditsky and Alice Gaby (2010). Remembrances of times east: absolute spatial representations of time in an Australian aboriginal community // Psychological Science. 21 (11). Р. 1635–1639. Также смотрите подкаст NPR Radiolab «С птичьего полета» (Bird’s-Eye View).
Franz Boas. From Geographical Names of the Kwakiutl Indians. Columbia University Press, 1934.
Harry R. DeSilva (1931). A case of a boy possessing an automatic directional orientation // Science 73 (1893). Р. 393–394.
Rebecca Solnit. A Field Guide to Getting Lost. Canongate, 2006. Р. 10.
Сообщение о пропавшем туристе см.: Gerry Largay Missing Hiker report, Bureau of Warden Service, State of Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, 12 November 2015.
Kathryn Miles. How could a woman just vanish // Boston Globe, 30 December 2014. Доступно: https://www.bostonglobe.com/magazine/2014/12/30/how-could-woman-justvanish/CkjirwQF7RGnw4VkAl6TWM/story.html