«NCBI A core gut microbiome in obese and lean twins.”
«Richness of human gut microbiome correlates with metabolic markers»
«Inflammatory mechanisms linking obesity and metabolic disease»
«Metabolic endotoxemia initiates obesity and insulin resistance»
«Is eating behavior manipulated by the gastrointestinal microbiota? Evolutionary pressures and potential mechanisms. Joe Alcock»
«Gut Microbiota: The Neglected Endocrine Organ. Gerard Clarke»
«The evolving neurobiology of gut feelings. Mayer EA»
«Gut chemosensing: Interactions between gut endocrine cells and visceral afferents»
Intermittent energy restriction improves weight loss efficiency in obese men: the MATADOR study
«Adipose tissue density, estimated adipose lipid fraction and whole body adiposity in male cadavers. Martin AD»
«Caloric equivalents of gained or lost weight. WISHNOFSKY M. Am J Clin Nutr»
Ethanol impairs post-prandial hepatic protein metabolism
“De novo lipogenesis, lipid kinetics, and whole-body lipid balances in humans after acute alcohol consumption.”
“Effect of acute postexercise ethanol intoxication on the neuroendocrine response to resistance exercise.”
“Sex hormones and adrenocortical steroids in men acutely intoxicated with ethanol.”
“Impaired protein synthesis induced by acute alcohol intoxication is associated with changes in eIF4E in muscle and eIF2B in liver.”