См.: Likhovski A. Law and Identity in Mandate Palestine. Chapel Hill, N. C., 2006; Gorni Y. From Binational Society to Jewish State: Federal Concepts in Zionist Political Thought, 1920–1990, and the Jewish People. Leiden, 2006.
См.: Rabinovitch S. Diaspora, Nation, and Messiah: An Introductory Essay // Jews and Diaspora Nationalism: Writings on Jewish Peoplehood in Europe and the United States / Ed. Rabinovitch S. Waltham, Mass., 2012. P. XV–XLI; Бартал И. Козак ве-Бедви: «Ам ве-Эрец» ба-леумиют га-Иегудит. Тель-Авив, 2007.