
Пелевин и несвобода. Поэтика, политика, метафизика


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Noordenbos B. Shocking Histories and Missing Memories: Trauma in Viktor Pelevin’s Čapaev i Pustota // Russian Literature. 2016. 85. № 1. P. 43–68.

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Oppo A. Preface // Shapes of Apocalypse: Arts and Philosophy in Slavic Thought / Ed. A. Oppo. Boston: Academic Studies, 2013. P. 13–18.

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Orwell G. 1984: A Novel. New York: Signet Classic, 1950.

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Palahniuk C. Fight Club: A Novel. New York: Henry Holt, 1996.

Parts L. Degradation of the Word, or the Adventures of an Intelligent in Viktor Pelevin’s Generation «П» // Canadian Slavonic Papers. 2004. 46. № 3–4. P. 435–449.

Paulsen M. Criticizing Pelevin’s Language: The Language Question in the Reception of Victor Pelevin’s Novel Generation ‘П’ // Landslide of the Norm: Language Culture in Post-Soviet Russia / Ed. I. Lunde, T. Roesen. Bergen: University of Bergen Press, 2006. P. 143–158.

Pavlov E. Judging Emptiness: Reflections on the Post-Soviet Aesthetics and Ethics of Viktor Pelevin’s Chapaev i Pustota // Russian Literature in Transition / Ed. I. K. Lilly, H. Mondry. Nottingham: Astra, 1999. P. 89–104.

Pavlov I. Conditioned Reflexes (Classics of Psychology). Mineola, N. Y.: Dover, 2013.

Pelevin V. The Helmet of Horror: The Myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. London: Canongate, 2007.

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Plato. The Allegory of the Cave / Trans. B. Jowett. Los Angeles: Enhanced Media Publishing, 2017.

Plato. The Republic / Trans. G. M. A. Grube, revised by C. D. C. Reeve. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1992.