Книга "Женщины, любимые Сергеем Есениным" (Ляхович Сергей) доступна для чтения online, а также для скачивания в формате fb2.
Survive at any cost is a well-known and understandable truth. Remaining human is an abstract concept, very similar to a propagandist stamp - what is its real content? The hero of the novel Transformation tries to remain human, finding himself in a fantastic world, because everyone who falls into the Human Hive risks turning into bloodthirsty monsters. How to preserve oneself? The answer to this question is ambiguous, everyone decides it differently. The content of the cycle Worlds of Artyom Kamenisty. S-T-I-K-S:
- Pavel Avasta The Mortal
- Igor Andreev Transformation
- Andrey Arkhipov The Second Guardian. Book 1
- Andrey Arkhipov The Second Guardian. Book 2. Antagonist
- Art Bogdanov Hearts of Three
- Nelli Vidina Black Raider
- Denis Vladimirov Walter
- Denis Vladimirov Luger
- Denis Vladimirov Parabellum
- Cater Way Dreams Come True. Book 1
- Cater Way Hunting for Scrubber. Book 2
- Cater Way Philanthropist. Book 3
- Dmitry Grishanin Richtovschik. Pawn in someone elses game
- Denis Deev The Coming Night
- Mikhail Dorokhov Faster than fate
- Vasily Evstratov Shatun. Book 1
- Vasily Evstratov Shatun. Book 2
- Vasily Evstratov Shatun. Book 3
- Dmitry Kram Foundlings of the Hive
- Dmitry Kram Inbred
- Sergey Kruchinin Fugitive
- Dan Lebel A Long Road to Stab
- Vladimir Myasoedov Gardener
- Sergey Panchenko Brother in Christ
- Sergey Panchenko Brother in Christ. Second Coming
- Alexey Sidorovich Childhood: road to names
- Dmitry Siyanov Skill
- Dmitry Siyanov Skill. Book 2. Paths of Beasts
- Nikolay Sobinin Savage. Book 1. Survival Games
- Valery Starsky Snake
- Anton Tekshin Accursed
- Yuri Ulengov Outsider
- Yuri Ulengov Tracer
- Yuri Ulengov, Nail Vybornov Law and Order
- Dmitry Shatrov Lucky from Hell or in search of the golden pearl
- Vladislav Yuzhny Beginners Luck